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You're very own guided medtiation packs to use at home or anywhere!

To feel calm, relaxed and connected

Listening to Music

Welcome to the place that allows you to take home my guided meditations to use anytime, anywhere! Whether it's:


  • at home in the morning to get you energised and focussed for your day ahead


  • on the go, while you're sitting on the train, or taking a short break during the day to recoup and rebalance


  • when things are feeling a bit overwhelming or chaotic and you need an anchor to help you calm down and regain your focus


  • when you're all tucked up in bed at night and longing for a restful night's sleep


Each of these packs have been designed to suit the multi-tasking, multi-passionate person who finds themselves juggling so many priorities that they need quick and effective mindfulness techniqes to help them find calm and clarity amongst the chaos of their busy and sometimes overwhelming day.


The three meditation packs have been designed for different stages and preferences in meditation styles.


As you will see from the descriptions below, there is:


1. The Introduction to Meditation and Mindfulness pack for people who are learning to get the basic principals of meditation 


2. The Meditation for Relaxation pack for people who enjoy sitting back and allowing their imagination to be guided with a beautiful and blissful visual meditation


3. Hush the Rush which is designed for people who are familiar with meditation and are ready to level up and and bring complete calm and clarity into your life. The guided meditations in this pack use mindfulness practices to help you move through many of the common challenges we come across during our busy, active lifestyles.



Choose from three different meditation packs:


Introduction to Meditation & Mindfulness

Outdoor Relaxation

Meditation for Relaxation 

Meditation lady_edited.jpg

Hush the Rush


Happy Costumer

Bundle and save


To choose the right meditation pack for you, read the descriptions below.

Hush the Rush has quite an indepth description as it is super-fantastic and includes more advanced mindfulness scripts.

You can select your purchase at the botton of the page. 

Sea View

Introduction to Meditation and Mindfulness

Pack 1

Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation is the perfect compilation of guided meditations and mindfulness practices to help you get started on your meditation journey.


If you attend one of my courses or workshops, these are the exact same style of meditations and mindfulness techniques that you'll learn.


They are proven, simple techniques that once mastered, will help you to feel calm amongst whatever chaos life throws at you.


This pack, plus a couple more meditations, are included for free in my course Mastering Mindfulness - From Worrier to Warrior.


1. Mindfulness of Body - Beginners Buddhist Meditation

2. Mindfulness of Breath - Beginners Buddhist Meditation

3. Mindfulness of Feelings - Beginners Buddhist Meditation

4. Combination of all three Begginers Buddhist Meditations in one

5. Traditional Beginners Buddhist Meditation

6. RAIN Meditation - Recongnise, Allow, Investigate and Nurture for processing emotions and feelings

7. Mindful activity - Gazing meditation

8. Mindful activity - Hold your mind in your hand.

Sea View

Meditation for Relaxation

Pack 2

The Meditation for Relaxation Pack includes beautiful, guided meditations that will take you on a visual journey to help you reconnect with your body, relax and unwind.


1. Grounding meditation to feel calm and centred

2. Ocean meditation to relax and reconsider your perspective

3. Cherry blossom tree meditation - to help you let go and boost your mood with gratitude

4. Instant, 3 minute grounding meditation to do anywhere you need an instant moment of calm

5. Regain your balance and feel aligned - chakra balance

6. Nat's all inclusive, you beaut, morning meditation.


More meditations will be added soon!


  • Embracing self-compassion

  • Loving Kindness

  • Opening up to the abundance of the Universe

Outdoor Relaxation
Meditation lady_edited.jpg


Pack 3

The complete meditation collection for bringing calm and clarity into your life.

Hush the Rush has been designed for the multi-tasking, multi-passionate person who finds themselves juggling so many priorities that they need quick and effective mindfulness techniqes to help them find calm and clarity amongst the chaos of their busy and sometimes overwhelming day.


Each of the 10 meditations in this pack have been purposefully chosen to help you not only sleep better at night, but to give your more energy and clarity during the day.


These are the exact meditations that I use to ensure I'm living my best life! Balancing all of the things and projects that I love, alongside my chronic pain and fatigue.


I've given you the very mindfulness techniques to help guide you through:

  • Feelings of overwhelm and anxiety

  • Moments when you're feeling indecisive and lack confidence

  • Times when you need help to refocus on what's important to you and set meaningful goals

  • To a restful night's sleep so that you wake up refreshed and ready to enjoy the day ahead

  • When you're feeling blocked and unlucky with simple to follow Chakra balancing techniques 

  • Building and maintaining solid and meaningful relationships​

Relaxing by the Water

Your life enhancing meditations

  • Nat's all inclusive, you beaut morning meditation! This meditation alone is worth its weight in gold. In just 30 minutes you'll feel completely refreshed and ready to make the most of your day. This practice encompasses a body scan, breath, connection with the earth, a chakra balance and connecting with your higher-self. INCREDIBLE!


  • Chakra balancing meditation to help clear the crap that's building up in your energy body so that you can get back in flow and have things run more effortlessly​


  • Grounding meditation to help you settle your mind and get back in control of your thoughts to feel calm and clear


  • A relaxing bedtime meditation to help you let go of the day and have a restful night's sleep


  • A meditation to help you visualise, manifest and crush your short and long term goals.


  • A meditation to guide you to clarity with a current challenge you're facing - be it a relationship, activity or that pesky self-critic that sometimes puts us down.


  • A progressive muscle relaxation to help you unwind, destress and most importantly to reconnect with your body so that you can feel whole and less like you're running around like a headless chook.

Bonus tracks

  • An ocean meditation to help you relax and reconsider your perspective on an issue - just magic!!


  • 10 minute chakra balance that you can do before you get out of bed to get your energy in flow and balanced for the day


  • 3 minute grounding meditation for when you need an instant moment of calm on the go!


This is truely amazing value - because your peace of mind is worth it!

You're getting 10 personally recorded tracks to help you find your calm and gain clarity to help you live your best life!

Usually personalised mindfulness albums like this one sell for upwards of $97, due to the techniques given in the recordings that will help you create incredible break throughs in your life.

I would rather have these meditations available to help more people change their lives and feel that sense of balance and freedom that comes with a great mindfulness practice, so all of these tracks are yours for only $47 - that's saving you at least $50

Sample one of my meditations by clicking play on the image below


Pause for a moment
Take a deep breath
Decide which pack/s are best for you right now

Select your favourite pack or bundle and save!
Select your Meditation Pack (AU$)

Nat will email you with your order soon!

Once you purchase the meditation collection with the Order Now button above, you'll be redirected to PayPal to make the payment.

If you don't like to use PayPal simply email Nat and request her bank details.

I haven't worked out how to automate the purchase of the separate meditation packs at this stage, so once I receive email confirmation of your purchase, I will send you the link/s to the meditation packs you have purchased asap. It will always be within 12 hours, the only delays are if I'm with a client, teaching a class or sleeping :)

Your official email will have your link to access your purchased meditation packs on SoundCloud.

Simply click on the link and it will open up the SoundCloud website.

All you need to do is create your FREE account on SoundCloud and then you can access the album on either the App or the website.

You can save your meditation pack in your favourites, and then wa-la, each time you open the app or the website your meditations will be at your fingertips on your home page.

If you're unsure or have any questions please email Nat, always happy to have a chat :)


What happens once you purchase?

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