I would like to acknowledge the amazing support that my friends and family have unconditionally offered in establishing this website and Wellness with Nat.
A massive thank you to:
The guy who got the website up and running: Jay!!
Typists and editors to save me using the computer when my eyes hurt: my mum, my dad, my sister Haylie, my bestie Marlene and her amazing daughter Jacqueline and my dear friends Leoni and Bec.
Photos: Dell, Marlene and I.
My social media and internet know-how advisers: Jay and Richard
My housemate Tommy who has to listen to all of my random herb stories and put up with a messy kitchen while I'm balancing work, rest and building Wellness with Nat.
My work buddies Warwick, Wendy, Monica and the team who have begrudgingly taste tested my recipes ;)
My amazing and soulful logo art designer: Therese Tucker
And all of my amazing friends who have been by my side over the last two years while I've gone through all of my ups and downs. Especially my mum and dad who have been right there by my side during the real tough times. Here's hoping by me sharing my story and offering my services I will inspire others to get through the tough times.
Most importantly, I would love to thank Rach and Therese at Spirit4Success. If it wasn't for your belief in me, mentoring, love and kick up the butt, I would still be feeling undervalued, struggling to come to terms with my vision loss and making excuses about why I'm not ready to share Wellness with Nat. Love you guys!!
Not forgetting my teachers / people who have inspired me along the way:
The amazing people that have inspired me with herbs at the Heirophant, in Canberra - Rovaye, Gerry and the friendly staff.
My mindfulness and meditation teachers: the Tibetan Buddhist Society of Canberra - Lama Chodek Rinpoche and Norbu, Jane Taylor and Allison Clarke.
The two amazing women who inspired me to become a Wellness Coach many years ago - Trish Favretto-Dicer and Antoinette Gomez. Your coaching sessions changed my life at some crossroads and hard times. You both taught me to look at life in a different way and I can't wait to inspire others like you have to me.
Happy reading!
Nat xox